Das Kaptive
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Vicky Wright (*1967, UK) creates dense and iconoclastic works that, between figuration, painterly self-reference and abstraction, explore, among other things, dynamics of the patriarchal power apparatus and mechanisms and structures of industrialisation. Wright's often surreal works frequently feature fragmented yet cohesively growing representations of bodies moving in architectural-mechanical settings. 
At Musée de la Fraise, Vicky Wright will show the installation Das Kaptive, consisting of a painting and a manikin suspended on ropes with ambiguous spatial, psychological relationships. The two-dimensional image of a figure looks out from the constructed space of the painting onto the three-dimensional entanglement of the hanging puppet, which consists of various fragmented parts. These two elements are held in a perpetual embrace of uncertain volition. As in a perpetual circular movement, they condition each other in an indissoluble tension of motif, compulsion, drive, repression, suppression and following. 
