Madame les Deux Tiers
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The human body and its image are essential starting points for Alex Müller (*1969, D) in her art. In her exhibition work, she deliberately and with great passion devotes herself to fictional and real figures from art history, literature, film and her own biography. She transforms organic materials such as apples, blue poppies or her own gallstone as well as objects taken from everyday reality into fantastic, paradoxical and enigmatic arrangements and installations. Her desire is to suspend unambiguousness. The question of where one thing ends and another begins has occupied her since the beginning of her artistic activity. 
Surprise, humour, sadness and melancholy as indispensable emotions of human existence inspire her to create a new installation within the strawberry that reflects loss as a cathartic and purifying act of lived human existence. Madame les Deux Tiers presents the actual state of her own preciousness. 

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